SuzyQ's home shop is here at Scrap Orchard. I wanted to be part of her team as I couldn't resist her doodly collection (especially the adorable frogs she's created!). Here's a new card from me made using a combination of her designs, including her new dino doodles:

Ju's fairly new to being an individual designer, but you simply must check out her work - its so unique and vibrant. She sells her kits etc at both Digiscrappers Brazil and CatScrap, which I believe is based in Norway - isn't it wonderful how global our community is?!?!
Here's an all digi-card I made with Ju's Strawberry Swing kit:
I do have lots of other bits 'n bob's to share with you that I made in May, but I'll do that in a day or so as I really, really should be getting ready to go for a day-out to the Natural History Museum. We've promised Alex that we'd go and see the dinosaurs today :)
I've linked the pictures you can see in this post so that you can see all the details as to what I used to make the cards. In the galleries, you'll see more of my work - but do take time to go for a wander about as there is some amazingly talented people out there wanting to share their work with you!
One last thing, I posted a freebie card front on the fabulous Heather Roselli's blog a week or so ago - its the cheeky monkey card you saw at the top of this post! I saved it with wording for both Father's Day and Happy Birthday, sized 6x4in and 7x5in. All you have to do is download, choose the front you want and print. Then cut out and stick to a card blank! You can find the freebie waiting for you right here!
Enjoy your holiday weekend - and if your school is on half-term holiday too, then I sincerely wish you sunny, dry weather and not-too-crowded parks, museums, pools, cinema......!
Sara x